In our in-house car paint shop in Borken, we paint cars and buses in addition to our hearses. No matter whether complete painting, repainting or paint repair: we also give your vehicle a new shine. With the latest tools, state-of-the-art paint booths and experienced vehicle painters, we make impressive results possible.
Complete painting
In the case of age-related wear and tear on the paintwork, major paint damage or after extensive bodywork, a complete paint job on your vehicle may be unavoidable. This is also the case if you simply no longer like the color or you want a new look.
Repainting and paint repair
It does not always have to be a complete paint job. If only individual body parts are affected by paint damage, a more cost-effective repaint may be possible. Some scratches and scuffs can also be repaired by our professional paint repair service. This makes your vehicle look like new and increases its value.
Paint booths
In our painting center there are one large and two small painting cabins with the following dimensions:
Truck cabin: 14,8 x 4,9 m
Car spraying cabin: 7 x 4 m
Car drying cabin: 6 x 5 m
Paint center Kuhlmann Cars
Siemensstraße 7A
D-46325 Borken
+49 (0) 2867- 97 57 57