General Assembly of the Bavarian Funeral Directors' Association

General Assembly of the Bavarian Funeral Directors' Association

This year, the general meeting of the morticians' association will take place at the Maisel Brewery in Bayreuth. Traditionally, there is already a cozy evening program the evening before, which this year is a guided tour through the Meisel beer experience world.

The general meeting will take place on June 29th and we are looking forward to participating again.

Other trade fairs

... BJT is only once a year!

This year's in-house exhibition took place at Flamarium in Kabelsketal on 15.06.2024.

On June 8, the Hessian Funeral Directors' Day 2024 took place at the Bad Wildungen Wood College.

This year, for the first time, we will be exhibiting at the trade fair in Oslo, Norway. We are looking forward to meeting the Nordic morticians and suppliers and introducing them to our funeral vehicles.